Great Books Slps Will Love to Read: Porkenstein

Porkenstein, by Kathryn Lasky, is a great book SLPs will love to read!  The book has great illustrations, is useful for a variety of ages, and a really fun plotline that lends itself well to address a variety of speech/language therapy goals. You will love this book!
Porkenstein, by Kathryn Lansky, is a great book for SLPs!
Book Summary:
Dr. Smart Pig, one of the 3 Little Pigs, is lonely and decides to invent a friend for Halloween. He makes mistakes and lots of funny creatures result in his search for a friend.


Tips for Goals:


Emotions & Body Language

  • Elicit vocabulary for emotions while looking at the illustrations before reading.
  • Ask why he felt this way after reading the page.

Porkenstein, by Kathryn Lansky, is a great book SLPs will love to read!Friendship

  • Do you think it is a good idea to invent a
    friend? Why or why not?
  • What qualities did Dr. Smart Pig want in a friend?
  • Would you want a friend like that?
  • Did he get a friend with those qualities? How do you know?



  • Who were Dr. Smart Pig’s brothers?
  • Why did he want a wolf-proof friend?
  • Why did he think that inventing a friend wasn’t such a good idea after all?
  • Why do you think Porkenstein ate so much?
  • How did the stories about the enormous pig get started?
  • Why was the wolf drooling outside Dr. Smart Pig’s house?
  • Why did Dr. Smart Pig whisper when he saw the wolf?
  • Why were there just boots outside the door? What happened to the wolf?
  • Why did Dr. Smart Pig decide that Porkenstein was a true friend?


Describing Vocabulary:

There are many describing words in this book: famous, bigger, biggest, better, mysteriously, wrong, new, less, warm, rounded, corkscrew, starving, giant, enormous, incredible, huge, rumbling, scuffling, creaking, long, furry, loud, drooling, creaky, empty, lucky.
  • Teach this vocabulary in context.
  • What sense do you use?
  • Name # more things that can be described this way.


L SOUNDS in this book:
lonely, laboratory, shall, absolutely, squealed, chemicals, leaped, less, salt, later, tail, ceiling, I’ll, still, last, almost, life, table, like, jelly, swallowed, dribbling, all, including, long, miles, talking, incredible, drool, himself, meal, Halloween, drooling, little, old, lady, long, wolf, licked, fellow, listened, scuffling, rumbling, belch, silence, disbelief, smiled, believe, let’s, closer.
S/Z SOUNDS in this book:
smart, famous, since, sadly, excited, his, friends, is, suddenly, was, absolutely, squealed, mixed, some, chemicals, raced, mysteriously, something, squirted, this, less, salt, hours, see, snout, corkscrew, wasn’t, has, wings, upside, ceiling, closer, still, last, almost, sunset, grunts, biggest, seen, starving, gasped, asked, swallowed, himself, such, jars, house, curtains, dust, bugs, it’s, Porkenstein, monster, stories, spread, soon, miles, enormous, said, just, sunset, pig’s, first, outside, fangs, ears, dress, whispered, brothers, voice, thighs, inside, listened, frozen, suddenly, scuffling, sound, silence, gasped, disbelief, smiled, boots, just, let’s, so, costumes.
R SOUNDS in this book:
year, brother, tomorrow, ever, friends, inventor,  never, ran, laboratory, bigger, better, proof, beaker, raced, mysteriously, squirted, dear, cried, wrong, aquarium, incubator, warm, garden, hours, later, peered, rounded, corkscrew, closer, creature, doctor, try, closer, meter, threw, heard, grunts, another, there, starving, over, dribbling, more, smart, worried, after, jars, every, garbage,  curtains, doormat, rug, chair, neighbors, Porkenstein, monster, stories, spread, enormous, heard, incredible, drool, first, trick-or-treater, cry, furry, under, her, dress, whispered, fear, brothers, creaky, sure, frozen, rumbling, pair, where, better, true, forever, never, hungry, replied.

For another great Halloween book, check out this post.

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