3 Thrilling Halloween Activities

3 Thrilling Halloween Activities

Halloween is such a fun holiday! Your students can have a blast learning with just a bit of effort on your part if you make these enjoyable interactive therapy materials that cost you almost nothing!

Thrilling, you might say? Well, I was certainly thrilled that my students loved these activities so much that I didn’t have too much planning to do! And if you landed here by accident, scroll down to the bottom for some Halloween ideas on video!

Last year this time, my blog was still so new that these fun activities got hardly any exposure, and they truly deserve better than that! So, I am recapping each activity here,  from youngest to oldest ages, with a link to the full posts. My students have had so much fun with these activities, I’m quite sure that yours will, too!

Halloween therapy ideas from Looks Like Language

Shoeboxes for Halloween

Our youngest and most limited students often need help learning the language for routines. What better way to help them than play? Just a shoebox, construction paper and some stickers can help you create great Halloween interactive fun. You can use this over and over all month long! Click here.

Felt and Halloween

Yes, you can create easy therapy materials!

A bit of colored felt, glue and markers can add a lot to any Halloween toys that you own! Puppets are so helpful to get shy students talking. Putting anything into a container gives that element of surprise that kids love, almost like opening a present! Give yourself a little present and check out this speech/language therapy idea here!

Halloween Bingo

Tips for Making Bingo Interactive!

Older students like to have fun, too! Get a little gaming and movement into your therapy sessions with this easy to make bingo variation. I’ve used it to work on inference skills, but you can do so much more to adapt it to your group’s goals! Learn about it here.


Felt Halloweenies are quick and easy to do!
Not so cute 🙁

Very cute! 🙂

Update: I just had to share my latest Target find since it may still be available near you! While it is true that our hand made materials get kids talking just as well as the ‘pretty’ ones, we do like to treat ourselves a little and these are just darn cute!

I love the button feature- you can reinforce those fine motor skills while having the fun of hiding something inside one of them! Have your students request each one until they find where the prize was hidden!

Be sure to check out the links to my free Halloween downloads! You can access all of the links here.

How about some thrilling, easy to do Halloween decorations?

Or maybe you’d like these fun tricks for setting up a party!

Happy Halloween! Enjoy!

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I’m Linda, an SLP who loves helping you build effective communication skills for your students using strategies and visuals. Pictures are time consuming, so let me make your life easier!

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