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5 NO COST Tips to Help STOP Summer Time Lag!

5 NO COST Tips to Help STOP Summer Time Lag!

Did you know that students who don’t keep expanding their vocabulary over the summer come back to school in the fall lagging behind their peers who continued learning? Here are 5 no-cost tips to help stop summer time lag.

6 No Cost ways to stop summertime lag

Vocabulary is just one way to measure growth, but is closely tied to many skills needed for school success.

Parents, what you do with your children at home is so important! You CAN help your kids to be better prepared for school each and every year. These ideas are NO COST, but they do take a bit of time. And you don’t even need to leave your home for most of these!

5 tips to help stop that summertime lag! 

1. Vocabulary

Choose a word of the week and give a thumbs up for every time one of your kids uses that word in a sentence. The winner earns an easy prize:

2. Play word games

Take turns:


3. Read

Reading is the most important thing you can do! If your kids totally resist trips to the library, try these ideas:

Remember, just read!


4. Tell a story

For school practice, the stories have to have a beginning, middle, and end that are connected by a main idea.

Try these ideas:

5. Talk!

Remember, your kids are NEVER too little to talk to. That is how they learn!


Whatever you do, just keep on talking!

Have a great summer!

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